Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Perfect" Boyfriend?? I think NOT

So while "googling" something that had absolutely nothing to do with relationships I some how managed to come across this article. Funny thing is the "perfect" boyfriend (or girlfriend) don't exist but I see where they were going with the whole thing. Somebody try it out, let me know how it works!

How to Find the Perfect Boyfriend

theglamsquad Member
By TheGlamSquad
User-Submitted Article
(28 Ratings)

Are you tired of searching for Mr. Right? Do you keep asking yourself if he really exist? Although no one is Perfect, I am going to help you find your Mr. Right. All you need is Personality, Patience, and Motivation.

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Things You'll Need:

  1. Step 1

    PERSONALITY. Allot of the times what hold women back is lack of personality. If your conversation is bland or your conversation just sucks then you feel that you have little or no luck. First off, work on you and what makes you happy. If you can be happy about you then you can make others happy that are around you. When conversing with a male, don't try talking about things that you have no idea about. This may be a bad idea, because if this happens to be a subject that he is strong in you are screwed and will no longer be able to wing it. You want him to be attracted to you and not the person you portray yourself to be.

  2. Step 2

    * PATIENCE. Nothing comes over night. Be very patient and you will find the man that is perfect for you. Just think about it, there is a man out there who is searching for the same qualities in a woman and has the same characteristics that you are looking for in a man. This will happen in due time, and may occur when you are least expecting it, like out walking the dog or on your way to work. Just be patient and work on how to approach him when you and him meet for the first time.

  3. Step 3

    MOTIVATION. Don't give up on you search for Mr. Right. Everything takes time so continue to live your everyday lifestyle. For all you know the man that you are searching for could be in your face everyday and you just haven't realized it yet. Continue to hang with your friends and enjoy yourself. Things will happen when you least expect, and then you will say to yourself, "I am so glad that I waited". Good Luck on your search and don't give up!

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